Reject transactions



Request headers:

Name Value
Authorization Bearer {token}
Content-Type application/json

Request body:

	"tx_id": ["5ed8a94eedf038930c17"],
	"reason": "Wrong payment"

Body details:

Parameter Type Description
tx_id * array Array of transactions ID`s
reason * string Reasons of reject

* - required



    "data": {
        "id": "eFbIa4lRUf3XQwlnoPmi",
		"application_id": "c84b5aae7378b62d0e47",
		"application_name": "Application name",
        "category": "application",
        "order_id": "422",
        "amount": "185.30000000",
        "fee": "0.00000000",
        "amount_paid": "0.00000000",
        "rate": "0.00018330",
        "currency": "USD",
        "currency_paid": "BTC",
        "status": "new",
        "address": "2MxrLNgYJS5MM53XTVLc5QcAM4EwwfoDgy7",
        "created_at": "2019-10-27T13:33:03.224328Z",
        "updated_at": "2019-10-27T13:33:03.224391Z",
        "payment_url": null,
        "redirect_url": null,
        "transactions": [
                "id": "cf4029434106009bdc31",
                "tx_id": "miIq7CTGx3PPryqOaOf1KN7nBDOYMf6tiNRl8avIXBbEqDWDhfgbomzJHZpF",
                "amount": "0.01563549",
                "status": "rejected",
                "linked": false,
                "reject_reason": "Wrong payment",
                "created_at": "2019-10-27T13:33:03.224501Z",
                "updated_at": "2019-10-27T13:33:03.224562Z"

Operation details:

Parameter Type Description
id string Operation ID
application_id string

Application id

application_name string Application name
category string Operation category (application, manual)
order_id string Clients` order number
amount string Operation amount
fee string Fee from operation amount
amount_paid string Paid amount of operation
rate string Exchange rate at the moment of payment
currency string Currency of issued operation
currency_paid string Currency in which operation will be paid
status string Operation status
address string Operation address
created_at string Date of operation creation 
updated_at string Date of operation change
payment_url string Link to the payment page
redirect_url string Link to the page, to which redirect from payment page will be made
transactions array List of operation transactions

Transaction details:

Parameter Type Description
id string Transaction ID
tx_id string

Transaction ID in Blockchain 

amount string

Transaction amount

status string Transaction status
linked bool The transaction was linked manually
reject_reason string

Reason of rejecting transaction (only with reject status)

created_at string

Date of transaction was created 

updated_at string

Date of transaction was changed